marketing strategy

"Expanding Services dominate the world economy as never before, and nothing stands still." As said by Prof. Christopher Lovelock and Prof. Jochen Wirtz. They both stressed the importance in marketing strategy is the role of service in the today’s business world.

Service is the second element of Market Value to win the heart share, in addition to brand and process. The definition of this service not just a after-sales service, pre-sale service, or during the sales-service. The service also can not talk about a toll-free phone number for customers, maintenance problems, or customer service.

For me, service is the value of a company Enhancer. Service is the paradigm of a company to create lasting value for customers through product ( "p" small) and services ( "s" small). So, here Services Service refers to the "S" large, not "s" small. This is the answer to Peter Drucker’s question, the management expert, "What business are you really in?" The only answer to the question is, "We are in Service Business!" So, there is only one business category, namely Business Services.

Whether the company is running on the field of restaurants, hotels, manufacturing or shoes, the only category for the entire business should be only the Business Services. To become a true Service Company, a company must continuously improve products and services (the "p" and "s" small). To create a lasting value and build relationships with customers, what is offered by the company must provide a constant value to customers.

Then, for the implementation of day-to-day operational activities, is known as the concept of Service Quality (ServQual). This concept is introduced by A. Parasuraman, Leonard L. Berry, and Valarie A. Zeithaml to analyze the extent to which the service is provided.

ServQual consists of five elements, namely Reliability, Assurance, tangible, Empathy, and Responsiveness, commonly abbreviated as RATER. In the research, they found that the combined dimensions Reliability is considered as the most important elements by customers, followed by Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and tangible. If the five elements are met, then the customers will be satisfied. This is the basic concept of customer satisfaction.

After this RATER concept, there is a concept that is called the Experience Economy, introduced by Joseph Pine and James Gilmore. Here, companies is not only perform excellent service, but also must be able to provide experience (stage experiences). In this Experience Economy, the customer should be able to feel the sensation (customer sensation), not just satisfied.

For the last level of service, the company must be able to make the transformation for the customers. Customers served personally, one by one. Therefore, companies must be able to provide solutions for customers, not just the satisfaction or sensation (customer solution). That is little thing about the service in the era of Legacy Marketing.

However, in the era of New Wave Marketing, the term service is not appropriate anymore, but Caring. For me, service is taken for granted, it is something that should exist. All the companies have done so. All customers have also hope for it. It is not something extraordinary anymore.

Caring is beyond service. Caring is not just a service that relies on RATER or experience only. However, how marketer is really considering the customers as a human. So, for Service we learn from Hospitality business, for Caring we learn from the hospital business. This is the difference. In the Hospitality industry, if we are not doing a good service, as consequences customers will not feel satisfied and may not be loyal to us. However, in the hospital industry, if we do not do the service well, we bet on the patients’ life.

With this perspective, New Wave Marketers will surely consider the customers with wholeheartedly. Each person will attempt to be the "doctor" and "nurse" for customers. And that is not less important, the company will build itself into a good service organization just like a hospital. By Caring, customers will not only feel satisfied, but can also be a "new man" like a patient who just completed the treatment.


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